Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ode to Creepypasta

Long nights have been wasted in front of the screen,
Part from interest, most from withheld screams.
I read and read, and yet I feel the starting fear
That the something behind me is creeping ever near.

Could it be who was residing in the "Showers?"
Or an unsettled spirit, testing me with its powers?
Oh, "Sarah O'Bannon," you've been dead for years,
And yet how is it I'm still reduced to tears?
Murderers, monsters, I'm safe if my light is on,
I fear I might be dead or worse before reaching dawn.
Games are just games, or is it possible that
Slenderman is standing just behind my back?

Such brilliance in amateurs! I feel like they're King
Disguised and hiding behind the safety of the screen.
I hope that sound was just the cat,
I swear I don't know what I'd do if it wasn't that...
It's times like these I wish I weren't alone,
And I swear on my grave that I don't know "WHO WAS PHONE."

For the horror mind looking for a thrill,
Or the reader looking for his fill,
The tales of terror will invade your mind,
It will never disappoint, and many a time
You might find yourself in the same position as mine
Wishing you had someone next to you to give a sign.
As scared as I will be, I continue yearning for more
And thank God for every day that I can open "Doors."


  1. Why do we do that to ourselves?! I'm a big fan of scaring myself silly. It's a wonder I don't have a heart attack. I like all the horror allusions. I was new to the "slenderman" reference until last year when an English 102 student of mine asked the researchable question, "Why do we crave horror?" 10/10

    1. I love horror things! And I don't even particularly like being as terrified as I can get, but I just am fascinated by the scary side of things. Most of the references I'm making are to specific Creepypastas that stuck in my mind when I was still on the site frequently. ("The Showers" was actually the one that scared the heck out of me recently and I was carrying my cat around for company haha!)
